
Chug jug with you lyrics text
Chug jug with you lyrics text

chug jug with you lyrics text

A friend has offered to fix it for me if I can perform what I thought was going to be the simple task of measuring the nut and buying a new one. I chipped the nut (that’s what it’s called, let’s be mature here) around my guitar’s high E string, so now chords played on the first fret there sound like shit.

chug jug with you lyrics text

Thankfully-slash-alas, I can’t learn to play “Chug Jug With You” on guitar right now. So of course I had to check out all of those, with a couple detours to remember John Mayer before getting back on track, and now it’s difficult to write this blog because I keep typing the words to “Chug Jug With You” instead of whatever I’m trying to say.

chug jug with you lyrics text


Then I searched YouTube for “Chug Jug song acoustic guitar.” YouTube, of course, is full of guitar lessons for the song, as well as TikTok duets with John Mayer covering it (remember John Mayer?!). This led to looking up the chords to “American Boy,” which I was pleased to learn are all chords I know. Because my brain is uniquely invested in making my soul unhappy, I then thought I wonder if I could learn to play this song on guitar. Things went exactly as you’d expect: I remembered how weird and not-funny-but-is-it-actually-funny-oh-no-it’s-actually-funny-isn’t-it-wait-no-it-isn’t-right the song is, so then I looked it up on YouTube, and then my friend shared a vtuber cover so I watched that, and now the song is crashing through my head on an unstoppable loop. But as I typed, I thought wait, is Tomato Town even still in the game? This is when it hit me, with bone-shaking force: my friend had written a snatch of lyrics from “Chug Jug With You.” It was all downhill from there.

Chug jug with you lyrics text